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National road transport - TransNatur

road transport

Highly efficient

International road transport - TransNatur

road transport

Global network

Maritime transport - TransNatur


International and competitive

Air transport - TransNatur


Quick and flexible

I would like to highlight the work and service of TransNatur Galicia. We have been working together for several years now, both with the Maritime service, importing our goods from different common destinations such as Nava Sheva (India), Mersin (Turkey), Alexandria (Egypt)…, and the Overland service, from Belgium and Germany. They have consistently given us the best service, resolving any incident efficiently and professionally, always looking for the best option.

General Manager Rugs and carpets

In the beginning, when TransNatur was small, so were we. Small companies together, we managed fine. For TransNatur we were an important customer or at least they may me feel that way. We have grown together, and now TransNatur is 20 times bigger than before. However, they still retain that proximity.

Operations Manager Electronic components

We were looking for a partner with whom it would not be so obvious that we are two companies. They have all our material, everything passes through their hands and they are fully integrated in our company.

Purchasing and Product Development Director Optical Sector
Transnatur política medioambiental
Freight transport - TransNatur
Transnatur where we are